Monday, January 31, 2011

It's getting hot in here ...

Over the weekend, we were in the 60's here in colorado. What temps for January! But tomorrow? The ~high~ will be -3 with an expected windchill of -17. I know many parts of the nation knows this kind of cold, but not me! Apparently not the schools either. I spoke to the principal today and he is expecting to close the school tomorrow.

Where is my hot chocolate?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


jenn said...

Oh man! I saw on the news with this 'historical storm' that it is stretching from Texas to Maine! We are steady in the 20's & 30's with the threats of an ice storm tonight, but going from 60 to negatives... ugh! Stay warm, there's a yummy hot cocoa recipe on hershey's cocoa boxes too!

Brandi said...

We are looking at upper 60's and 70's this week. I couldn't imagine being in that cold!!